Śkrainu mįliš er ekki alveg eins einfalt og US/EU halda fram.

Ég las myndskreytta grein frį Bandarķsku blaši CNN um stöšuna ķ Śkrainu.

Sķšan las ég mörg hundruš athugasemdir alls stašar frį undir greininni. Žį seint og um sķšir rekst ég į athugasend

mjög Įhugaverša efnismikla og trśveršuga  fyrir minn smekk. Žvķ mišur er ég ekki góšur žżšandi :



Akron nwbynw11 days ag

A desire to be European? Wth is that suposed to mean? Geographically and ethnically, Ukraine is already European. If you're referring to membership in the EU, Russia wasn't holding Ukraine back. If you do more research through sources outside of the russophobic American media, you'll understand that the Russian position was not "Choose us over the EU;" it was "Why does Ukraine have to choose between the two of us? Why can't we just live as mutual partners?" But, the EU hard-pressed Ukraine to choose a side, so that's when competition and conflict emerged.

A desire to end corruption? Please don't insinuate that the revolution taking place in Ukraine is orderly, just, and democratic. You have Neo-Nazi extremists heading the Maidan leadershp. If you believe this is an over-exaggerated insult, it is because the Western media will not disclose the details of who they are truly backing. If we are to speak of actual corruption, Russia has introduced and worked to implement severe corruption penalties, that are enforced effectively (as is evidenced by a huge number of corruption convictions over the last 2 years). Ukraine, on the other hand, has a most notoriously corrupt Parliament, and lacks any legal infrastructure to change corruption. Yulia Timoshenka, the West Ukraine's "leader" was indicted and placed in jail based on corruption. Yet, the West Ukraine nationalists are pressing her to become president.

A desire to get away from Putin? Yeah, that's a great idea. Get away from a man who, for the last decade and a half, as been supplying you gas, energy, and military equipment (ranging from handguns to elaborate missile systems). Ukraine has survived by feeding off Russia. If Ukraine chooses to make the grave mistake of getting away from Putin, and getting in with the EU, you will witness an economic and social collapse like none other. You thought the EU bailing out Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Italy was an economic strain. Oh Lord, wait till Ukraine brings its problems to Germany and the EU. The EU doesn't know what it's asking for with Ukrainian membership.

As in regards to the article, the cultural division in Ukraine is simple. West Ukraine was pro-Nazi in WWII. Since then, they've always hated Russia and have sought to create an extremist nationalist state. East Ukraine fought for the Soviet Union in WWII, is culturally Russian, and wants to either maintain a strong alliance with Russia or join Russia (the current conflict has pushed many alliance-desiring East Ukrainians to wish to join Russia, as they do not wish to live under the government envisioned by the extreme nationalists of West Ukraine).

Ding Batnwbynw11 days ago

A desire to end up like Greece, once a rich nation, a shipping capital. Now all sucked up by EU. Good luck to Ukraine. It will going under.






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